Odin's Warrior Star: Gungnir

Odin, as a deity, probably has more titles—and more aspects—than any other Norse Gods, largely due to the different Odin/Wodenaz tales being combined. One of his major facets, however, was as a god of war. Unlike his strategizing counselor Tyr (whose throne he usurped), Odin’s style of fighting was a complete berserk rage which was magical in its power. The birds of his aspect as the wandering magician and runemaster were his two ravens, but the bird of his battle-aspect was the eagle. This eagle may have been the same one which was said to live at the top of Yggdrasil the World Tree; when Odin was the ruler of Asgard he controlled the top world of the Tree. It was said that an eagle flying across the sky might be a spy for Odin, watching to see if you were behaving with courage.

Altair is the main star in the constellation Aquila the Eagle, which has been seen as such for more than three thousand years that we know of. When I looked and Aquila and Altair, it was Odin’s warrior aspect who came forth, bearing his spear made by the Sons of Ivaldi. He lifted up its rune-carved head until it touched Altair, and told me that this was his star, both the eagle and the spear falling from the sky. Gungnir was the name of Odin’s magical spear, which he would cast across the battlefield in favor of the winning side.

Gungnir the star is an entity of action; it bestows hardiness, generosity, and determination, and the ability to take risks. Like Odin, it gives a keen, penetrating mind. It is generally a harbinger of social respect for one’s deeds, although it is sometimes called “one who drops things on others from a great height”, like a spear. The conflict within Gungnir is about ego versus generosity. The urge is to fight for humanity and the greater good, but only if one can get one’s ego stroked. Without the ego boost, they may become less generous and more aggressive in getting what they want.